Consultancy & Training
Knowing when to bring in the right person for your project at the right time is a skill I developed over 10 years running a web development agency and the reason I now offer my own services on a consultancy basis.
Working with projects from an early stage means we can build products which scale, comply and integrate with the wider world commercially, not just API’s. My work with startups on market analysis, product viability and data risk helped secure over $30 million in VC funding and engagement from multinational clients, the UK government and EU.
When it comes to raising awareness in larger companies around data laws, risk and ethics as part of their duty of accountability, training is a key tool in my approach. As Senior Tutor in data privacy at the Institute of Data Marketing, I have created and delivered over 1,000 hours of training in GDPR, data governance and ethics and lead workshops onsite for clients in the UK, Europe and US.